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Messages - BettyQNK

Pages: 1 [2]
Old posts / Re: how about a new thread
« on: August 19, 2008, 11:24:29 AM »
You mean like a General Chat section?

Old posts / Re: Poker Freeroll Password Suggestions
« on: August 13, 2008, 04:42:32 PM »
Yeah it would be nice to be able to edit or Modify is what it would say in this forum.  I understand why tho cause I pointed it out.  The auto links he's talking about is when someone types in a poker site that he has, like Carbon Poker, he has it set so it will automatically change the word or words to an affiliate link for the site that you can click on.  When someone edits their post or adds a post of games to the calendar, it would repeat the link over each time and would end up with two or more links in the post making the post look real sloppy.  Knowing buc as I do, he will most likely figure out a way to fix it and we will hopefully be able to modify our own posts again, in time.  Until then, we will just have to Preview our posts before posting them to make sure they are like we want them.

Heck, I'm used to being able to edit not just my posts, but bucs too.  :D ;)

Trivia / Re: Trivia 8/13
« on: August 13, 2008, 04:31:19 PM »
Nice one dough_monkey and Congrats!!  ;)

Old posts / Re: Poker Freeroll Password Suggestions
« on: August 13, 2008, 12:54:28 AM »
Hey buc!!!  ;D  Typo!!  :D


Our Store

To play our private events you can buy the password in our store. Earn credits to purchase passwords by posting in the forum.  You can also trade your credits for cash at out site sponsors.

Visit our store today by Clicking here


Don't you mean our instead?  ;)

Old posts / Re: Poker Freeroll Password Suggestions
« on: August 13, 2008, 12:47:19 AM »
 :o :o Uh oh!!! Can't even edit own posts now Sumer.   :'( :'(

Anyone posting better make sure to preview post and make sure it's all correct before actually posting, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO EDIT IT.

Old posts / Re: Poker Freeroll Password Suggestions
« on: August 13, 2008, 12:27:47 AM »
Sumerrrrrrrrrrrr 123!!!   ;)
Ms.Spellcheck and her Accomplice, LOL!!  Heehee, I like it! ;D
Yeah, usually if edited by me, same reason.
I can't edit here tho.  :'(

Old posts / Re: Poker Freeroll Password Suggestions
« on: August 13, 2008, 12:27:28 AM »
Admins must get more credits per post, huh buc?  :D ;)

Old posts / Re: Poker Freeroll Password Suggestions
« on: August 12, 2008, 04:57:20 PM »
Oh! Here's another one!

In the WELCOME FORUM, you've created the Welcome Template (that most aren't using), but you spelled template wrong.

Just saying...

Hey that's my job to point out his typos and spelling errors, LMAO!!  :D :D
He usually calls me Ms. Spellcheck.  ;D

Good catch Hobbs!  ;)

Old posts / Re: Our events
« on: August 07, 2008, 02:37:30 AM »
Welcome all of you!!
Nice to see you all here and hope to see you at the tables too.
Have fun and best of luck!

Old posts / Re: full tilt game
« on: August 06, 2008, 11:27:03 PM »
I can't even find the game you are talking about at Full Tilt.  Do you have a date and time for the game?

Advertise your forum / Queens N Kings Poker
« on: August 06, 2008, 01:22:43 AM »

The first and only poker forum that's all about finding out which one of the genders is really the better poker player.  The females vs. the males here, we have various ways of finding out, with different games and at different poker sites.
There has been ladies only sections at several forums and have even seen a couple of men only sections, which have come about because of the ladies only ones.  There has been ladies only forums.  There has also been some poker forums that have had the occassional "Battle of the Sexes" games within their forum or against another forum.  This is the first poker forum to have all of that in one place.  The females get their own sections and games and the males get there own sections and games, plus get to play together and challenge each other.
So have fun playing and finding out who really is the better poker player,
The Queens or The Kings?!!

Members sign-in / Re: Hello
« on: August 04, 2008, 12:26:31 AM »
Hi Rudster!
Glad to see you made it here.
Buc is full of surprises, isn't he?!

Members sign-in / Me!
« on: August 03, 2008, 05:47:09 PM »
Ok so I wasn't first or second to use template, I'm the first to do it different tho.   ;D

Hi all, great to be here at bucs new forum, he is always at work on something and full of surprises.  ;)

I started out with bucnright a couple years ago at Freerolltourny, then The Poker Forum Challenge, help with Texaswheel when needed (it's in good hands now tho) and then he got me started with my own forum Queens N Kings Poker.  So I mainly run that and do what I can to still check up on the other forums.

I've been playing poker for 30+ years and started online 2+ years ago.  I don't really have a favorite poker site, player or starting hand.  Poker is my favorite game and computers are my hobby, so the both go great together.  

I have one son that just turned 15 and he's a great kid, loves to skateboard, does good in school and helps mom out when needed.  I can't work due to health problems and am at home a lot.  Have mom and house duties to take care of, but other than that I'm mostly online, I'm not one to sit in front of the TV.

Well, not much else to say now, but if I can help anyone out here, just let me know and I'll do my best.  I told bucnright I'd help him out here too if he needed me.  I've been working with him for a couple years now and as I told him, it just wouldn't seem right to me if I didn't help him out.  ;)

Hope you all enjoy the new forum and hope to see you around.

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