Author Topic: Golden Rules of Poker  (Read 932 times)


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Golden Rules of Poker
« on: August 24, 2008, 11:21:43 PM »
The First Golden Rule of Poker
Maximize the size of the pots that you win; minimize the amount of your money in the pots that you lose.

The Second Golden Rule of Poker
When deciding whether or not to call, factor the amount of money being asked of you in relation to the amount of money in the pot.

The Third Golden Rule of Poker
Avoid playing too consistently; take note of the consistencies in your opponents.

The Fourth Golden Rule of Poker
Know the players at the table; adjust your playing style accordingly.

The Fifth Golden Rule of Poker
Be aware of tells in yourself; be aware of tells in others.

The Sixth Golden Rule of Poker
Utilize bluffing; bluff with the best-balanced frequency to maximize its usefulness.

The Seventh Golden Rule of Poker
Practice inexpensive advertising to create false impressions of your playing style.


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Re: Golden Rules of Poker
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2008, 07:23:10 PM »
The first golden rule of cut and paste:

Credit the original writer instead of either pretending it's you or allowing people to assume so incorrectly.


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Re: Golden Rules of Poker
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 03:00:03 PM »
Nice one Arjon. All good points but I seem to have seen them listed before. lol  :)


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Re: Golden Rules of Poker
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2008, 05:34:25 PM »
Yeah, I've seen this in at least a couple of places.  Kinda mom and apple pie-type stuff, which seems popular with the cut and paste crowd.