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building a roll
« on: September 05, 2008, 01:25:01 PM »

Building a Roll Through Six-handed Turbo No Limit sit and go tournaments

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008
By Staff
PartTime Poker

In poker, everyone wants the big score. They want to be at the final table, with hundreds or thousands of dollars on the line. It is an experience like no other. Personally, I have been there through the $5.50 Turbo NL where I took second place for $643. Sure it was a great experience, but anyone, even pros can go on massive droughts where they don't cash, much less make a Final Table. An example is Daniel Negreanu from a few years ago. What does this do to your bankroll? For most of us, it kills it. The only reliable way for a majority of typical online players to make money is through sit and gos. My personal favorite: the turbo 6 handed no limit hold'em SNG's.

My most consistent success with sit and goes has come over at UltimateBet. There, I took a roll of $20 and turned it into $700 by just playing turbos. Id like to tell you about my stats. Playing $1 sngs, I played in 319 events and had a cashing rate of 42.6% and a ROI of 17.6%. I then moved to $5 Sngs where I played 173 events, holding down a 45.1% cash rate and a 26.7% ROI

The stats are good, but not amazing. However, what is important is the consistency. No matter what level you play, sit and gos are the way to go. I personally love 6 handed, easier to cash and less people to go through. Of course less money per win, but who cares if you win? Now the question is: can you do it?

The key to 6 handed Turbos is smart, but aggressive. You need to win with the hands you get, but not donk off chips. Great part is, at least 1-2 of the people don't understand turbo strategy. They panic, they tighten up, and before u know it, even if they play well they have 3BBs left. Remember, it is easier to beat 5 others rather than 8. Since turbos can be a crap shoot, less players makes them more realistic.


1. Turbos have more variance then regular Sngs because stacks are smaller in relation to blinds. Therefore, it is possible to go on bad runs. However I believe 6 mans to have less variance. You should hold at least 30-40 buyins, and hopefully more.
2. Turbos are a shallow stack game. Therefore I do not pay attention to the 10X BB. Instead, I use maybe 5-6BB. Why? 5X BB will still cripple someone if they call and lose to you. Do not panic if you get low.
3. Early on, play tight. Remember, a coin flip early on is stupid - there's a 50% chance you're out. Keep pots small and wait for the big blinds. It is something few people understand or even think about
4. GUTS- Raise with 57, 68, and hands like that when blinds get big. Why? If you get called, so what, you are behind, but if you hit you're in great shape. Also, people usually fold. A person has to have a great hand to call you. Stealing 1K in blinds will win you that tourney. You need to have guts to win turbos.
5. THE CARDS DON'T MATTER- As I said, when blinds go up, raise,raise,raise. You will find quickly who's tight, and you can slam them. Once the blinds go up, you can almost play the cards blind. The reason is, you need to keep raising.
6. Don't be afraid to be behind. You can not wait for AA in turbos. Whoever raises the most wins. You can not play to just cash.
7. If short staked, even with bad hands, push all in. Why raise 40% of your stack? If you are re raised you have to call anyway. ALWAYS PUSH IN THESE SPOTS!!!!!!!
8. Do not wait to cash. If 1 player is low on chips, do not assume he is going out. Remember, play to win. If you do not, before you know if you will be the low stack on the bubble.


I do encourage people to overextend sometimes. It is ok to give yourself 2-3 shots at a slightly higher level if you are comfortable. However, if you can not make the same bold pushes you can on the lower levels, then forget it. You can not think about the money you entered with.


I do it all the time. Playing 2-4 sit and goes can be done. Make sure it is the only thing you are doing. Personally, I would rather play (4) $5 sngs than (2) $10s if given the choice. The more you play, the more $ you make.


The worst thing I see if people succeed with this strategy, and then lose the $. The goal is not to start playing $50 sngs. I've done it, and it doesn't work very well, trust me. Take profits, it will help you sleep at night. If you start at $50 and get to $300, take off half. Do not start playing a higher level that you are not likely to be comfortable with.


Yes, it does exist. If you think you will turn $50 into $5000 in a straight line, you're nuts. Turbos help you grind to make profits. Players must withdraw their money so they don't go bust. I've had variance kill me in the past, do not let it happen to you. There is nothing wrong with taking a profit.


Especially multi-tabling, you can start running bad fast. That is why you need so many buyins. If you run badly for a night or 2, take a break. I usually rest on weekends and never play at all. It is ok to stop playing. Rest up, refocus, and come back stronger.

Overall, I think I covered everything. I told you my few secrets to winning 6 man turbos, and how to deal with many other questions. If you have any more, just PM me.

GL and build those rolls the real way!