Author Topic: What is my diagnosis?  (Read 1932 times)


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What is my diagnosis?
« on: September 25, 2011, 09:56:10 AM »

I think about poker a lot, I read quite a bit here on these forums aswell as the latest Harrington book which I bought recently, I've watched training videos on deucescracked and cardrunners and so far I have profited since I started playing 2 years ago. I started out at 10NL and I never moved up, due to many reasons (travelling etc) but mostly because I just can't put in any volume. Not because I lack time, I work full-time but when I am off work I don't have anything that occupies my time except for excersising.

So, why do I not put in any volume? One reason might be that the way I handle tilt is to stop playing, I never spew off money (only when I play terribly, not because of tilt). Most of my sessions have atleast a few bad beats, which is standard. If I get KK pre and lose to AA, I don't tilt at all. 2 minutes later I pick up AA, get it in against QQ and lose, now I am slightly sad/tilted. Add one more bad beat to this and I call it a day and quit playing for the day or for a few days. What is my problem...?

I just want to not give a **** about studying/if the games are beatable/if my site is the 'best' one/if there still are fish for some time, since if I just put in enough volume I would get the answer to all these questions. And yes, my brain sucks, it worries about absolutely everything all the time.


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Re: What is my diagnosis?
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 01:39:12 AM »
i would say worry wort and maybe cheap skate lol  but no sounds like you have handel on it and hope you have better luck next time at the tables i know for my self i have sucked out on many players. and took dowwn few tournaments i should been out of many times. so i can understand from  the other sides of things.  but just play where you confertable and stick at it and who knows before you know it you might see your self going to the next leavel hope this helps a little