Author Topic: When Stupidity Comes In  (Read 1361 times)


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When Stupidity Comes In
« on: October 01, 2008, 04:39:57 AM »
I was playing this $1.10 buyin tourney at Carbon, from being down to just 285chips I managed to crawl back to the top 4 with around 14 players left in the game out of 30+. Oh yes it took some players to make rebuys while I only did once in the early goings of the game.

So came to the final table with 9players, I was still holding the 4th highest chips then later on found myself at the bottom with only 4 players left. I got Ac 8c & went all in (stupidity comes in), I didn't think about the tourney paying the top 3 only, so there, the chip leader just called with unsuited Q,K and hit a pair Queen.

The 3rd placer just easily gave all his chips because he's already guaranteed of $12.50. I could have been more patient & probably win the 3rd if not only of that moment of stupidity.

Now I'm broke!


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Re: When Stupidity Comes In
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2008, 10:09:49 AM »
yup I do the same thing some times.Just today
I was playing at  a table and had connecters I bet
a good amout before the flop 2 callers and all low cards
come.I have an open ender.thinking the other 2 players have
high card I check and player leaves the other is
hesatant but calls.there is also a flush draw.So I was thinking
thats what the other player has the river comes
I miss my card and have a busted straigt draw but i know the other
player had nothing so I go all in with the remader off my chips.He calls me and wins with  10 high.I couldnt beleave he called me with
a ten high.My  conneters were 8 9.I would off normaly folded
and wouldnt off chase a straight especialy if there is a flush draw but I
new the other player had nothing and he did have nothing.Still can t
beleive he called.Lost over half my bank roll on that hand.Thats what I get for playing 8 9 off suit but what a donkey calling an all in with 10 high and the bad thing was he didnt even have the flush draw.
Solution to the glass is half full - half empty ......

If you are taken something out of the glass than its half empty if you are putting something in the glass than its half full.. 



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Re: When Stupidity Comes In
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2008, 10:33:18 AM »
Well I journal every thing I can,  next time write or record the pay out placing before you start playing.  I f you us e word pad leave it open so you can check here and there, if on piece of paper leave beside your hand so you can read it.

Knowing as many stats before and during game can be helpful.  If you get to lazy about it, what can I say is it is or was your money!

I had to learn from my mistakes hope you learn from yours and good luck and fat picking to you in the future. ;D


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Re: When Stupidity Comes In
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2008, 08:40:10 PM »
You had about a 55% chance of winning this one.  Actually, you were willing to try a coin flip.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  I don't think you did anything wrong.  Were you planning on 3rd place or did you want to win the tournament?  It sounds like you were playing to win.  Not a bad idea at all.


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Re: When Stupidity Comes In
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2008, 01:16:17 PM »
Playing to Win!!  Now that is the plan, Jolub.  But what does Winning Mean?  Does it mean to go all out or does it mean to Go Slow and Steady to win enough to get you to the Money?

                                                              The Turkey ;)


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Re: When Stupidity Comes In
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2008, 06:24:29 PM »
If there,s one BIG Stack out of 4 you definately hope to play behind the Big Stack and not attack them. But PUSHING an ACE-7 (not too bad 4 handed) at the lower stacks Blinds isn,t a bad move. Just try to stay away from the Big Stack. With only 4 left i,m assuming the Blinds were Big.


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Re: When Stupidity Comes In
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2008, 07:01:00 PM »
I try and avoid doubling any of the stacks shorter than mine when it comes down to the final x where one more to go pays the money, if I am short stacked depending on the size of blinds, I tend to wait for A 10 or aove or 9s and above to push. But have done silly things when one away for a paying place.